Possible FREE Fun In Motion Toys Party Pack

Possible FREE Fun In Motion Toys Party Pack

Tryazon is partnering with Fun In Motion Toys to select 100 hosts for an exclusive party opportunity. Participants will receive a selection of toys to share and sample with friends and family, introducing them to the fun and educational aspects of HyperTiles® and Shashibo.

HyperTiles® are based on the hyperbolic paraboloid, a mathematical shape. These shapes can be linked in countless ways to create structures that move and flex, offering endless possibilities for creative play. Combining more sets allows for the construction of larger and more intricate designs.

Selected hosts will receive a party pack worth over $225. The pack includes a Hypertile pack, a Bulk Party pack of Hypertiles, five Shashibo, twelve 20% off coupons for the Fun In Motion Toys store, and a Party Host Guide to assist in planning and hosting the party.

To apply for this opportunity, visit Tryazon’s website and complete the application process.

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