No Yolks & Wacky Mac Pasta: Free Cookbook Offer

Do you remember from this past summer when Emeril Lagasse featured WACKY MAC as one of his favorite things? Well the excitement keeps on coming from Emeril, and from our friends at Martha Stewart, too, because they’ve each generously provided us with some cookbooks!
And now we can’t help but think of a way to share them with you! Here is what you need to do in order to receive your FREE cookbook (while our supplies last, of course!)…
In an envelope, send us 10 UPCs (in any combination you wish) from any NO YOLKS or WACKY MAC Veggie Pasta varieties. Also enclose a sheet of paper stating the following:
Your Full Name
Your Complete Mailing Address
Your Phone Number (just so that we can reach you in the event there is a problem with our shipment)
The Name of the Book you would like to receive (we will honor your choice of book until our supplies are depleted for that particular selection – once that happens, we will send you the alternate book)
Send the envelope to us at the address listed below using the United States Postal Service. Winners will be selected in the order we receive a correctly submitted entry in the mail determined by the post-mark date. Please keep a photocopy of your entry including the UPC codes as your entry will not be returned. This offer will remain valid until all the cookbooks have been distributed.
Send your entry to the following address:
ATTN: Cookbook Promotion
Strom Products Ltd
1500 Lakeside Drive, Suite 110
Bannockburn, IL 60015