Free Samples at Sam’s Club, Albertsons, and Shoprite

Please use the locator on this page to check if your local Sam’s Club, Albertsons Brand store, or participating Shoprite and The Fresh Grocer store is offering these free samples. If they are, head over to the Freeosk Sample Booth or designated area in the store to claim your complimentary samples. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to try these products for free!
List of Free Samples at Participating Stores:
- Sam’s Club:
- Free Gain Fireworks and Flings Samples
- Free Dr. Squatch Men’s Natural Soap Samples
- Free Member’s Mark Coffee Pods Samples
- Free Dude Wipes Samples
- Albertsons Brand Stores:
- Free Swedish Fish Samples
- Participating Shoprite and The Fresh Grocer Stores:
- Free Goodwipes Samples