Free Bluebird Prepaid Amex Card

Say hello to Bluebird – Your Checking & Debit alternative that’s loaded with features like Direct Deposit and online bill-pay, but not loaded with fees. Bluebird is brought to you by American Express and Walmart, giving you:
The features you want-
You can make Direct Deposits, pay bills online, add checks with the Bluebird Mobile App, and set up Sub-Accounts — a great new way to manage family spending.
The value you expect-
We believe your money belongs with you. That’s why there are no annual, monthly, or overdraft fees and no minimum balance required.
The service you deserve-
Our World-class American Express Customer Service is there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it’s super easy to open a Bluebird Account since there are no credit reviews.